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指导老师 Instructor

林颖茜 Chiara Lim

  • 荣获马来西亚十大杰出青年-文化成就奖

  • 荣获南洋商报颁发南洋精华奖之《积极人生奖》

  • 来自马来西亚雪兰莪州巴生

  • 毕业于国立台湾师范大学音乐系

  • 大马教育部委任为大马爱心学校计划·爱心教师团表演艺术顾问

  • 曾任马来西亚董教总全国华文独中工委会委任音乐科学科委员

  • 曾受邀至葡萄牙、挪威、法国、德国、中国、台湾、新加坡等地进行音乐指导及培训

  • 曾任《人间音缘全球征曲比赛》主审

  • 曾任多届马来西亚佛光山主办的《万人青年音乐会》音乐总监

  • 曾主导《大马好》活动六千人律动舞表演活动

  • 创作作品风格多元

    • 校园传唱: 《以您为荣》、《谢谢》、《云相连》、《用心体会》、《别》等

    • 教育单位活动主题曲:《飞向卿云纠缦的天空》、《丹中情》、《青年》等

    • 节庆创作歌曲:《父母恩情》、《圆愿》等

    • 身心灵音乐:《蒲公英》、《佛在汝心》、《一心》、《希望之光》、《Transfer The Merit》等

    • 宗教音乐:《佛陀颂》、《The Three Refuges》、《信仰与传承》、《圣朝行天下》、《十方慈航》、《镇海行天下》等

    • 诗与歌:《只因为心中有你》、《梦飘落在江边》、《窗前》、《天画》等

    • 电视台节目主题曲及插曲:《小太阳乐园》、《小贝贝周记》等

    • 激励人心的创作歌曲:《守护》、《翻转的力量》、《奋起飞扬》、《积极的人生》、《让世界更美丽》、《我的心凝聚着》、《One Heart One World》等

    • 新村申请联合国世界文化遗传主题曲《相约幸福村》

  • 为马来西亚著名音乐人彭学斌及林丽芬创办的《口袋音乐》音乐团队,至今制作了15张专辑及多首上线单曲以及《翻转吧!蒲公英》有声书。

Chiara Lim

Chiara Lim, from Klang, Selangor, is the founder of the Dandelion Choir. After graduating from National Taiwan Normal University with a music major, she returned home, and has since been actively involved in cultural and musical activities all around Malaysia and abroad. Recognized for her merits in music and education, she has been invited to judge in music composition and singing competitions; and commissioned to compose music for various organizations, which include familiar songs such as 《小太阳乐园》,《奋起飞扬》,《积极的人生》,《以您为荣》,《飞向卿云纠缦的天空》,《信仰与传承》,《父母恩情》, etc.

She is currently the Director of Music for BLIA YAD Malaysia, Tsungling University, Dong Zen Choir, Kwang Hua Choir, Choirs around the Klang Valley, and also the Music Consultant for Kidoasis Kindergarten. The Dandelion Choir released its first album in 2003, entitled “Redang”, which led to musical collaborations with respected composer and producer – Percy Phang and Laifun Lum. The Dandelion Choir has released 15 albums up to date, including《当我们同在一起系列1-4》,《祈愿曲1-3》,《蒲公英》同名专辑,《快乐在哪里》,《音乐时光机》,《穆希克奇幻之旅》原声带(OST),《Smile and Shine》,《诗人的琴弦》and the latest album《翻转吧!蒲公英》.

林颖芷 Anjyl Lim

  • 荣获南洋商报颁发南洋精华奖之《积极人生奖》

  • 来自马来西亚雪兰莪州巴生

  • 毕业于台湾师范大学英语系

  • 蒲公英合唱团主唱兼舞台演绎指导

  • 1998及1999年任师范大学《世界剧展》艺术总监及导演兼演员

  • 2005年“人间音缘佛曲发表会世界总决审”中主唱《心灵曙光》获颁“评审特别大奖”

  • 受邀参与国内外音乐演出,曾与唱片公司心灵音乐专辑中参与录音工作,也为多项活动如《国际华裔小姐竞选》《人间音缘征曲比赛》《马来西亚万人跨年万缘弘法祈福大会》《马来西亚人间音缘校园歌唱比赛》等录制主题曲

  • 2013年担任音乐剧编导,与音乐总监林颖茜推出蒲公英创新演绎《穆希克奇幻之旅》及纪念专辑。

  • 曾受邀参与大型音乐剧《玄奘西游》、《天心月圆》等演出。

  • 2013至2019年间,担任四届大马好音乐会节目指导⁠

  • 2016年7月确诊罹患末期肺腺癌,被医生诊断无法活过同年的她,一直与癌症共存,至今依旧活跃于舞台上,以“永不放弃”的正能量鼓励病患

  • 同年,颖芷化身为笔者,将自己与癌共存的经历写书,名为《翻转吧!蒲公英》,结合林颖茜的创作曲,集结成一本有声书

Anjyl Lim

Anjyl Lim, from Klang, Malaysia, is the lead vocalist and instructor of Dandelion Choir, mainly in charge of performance skills. She was diagnosed with 4th-stage lung adenocarcinoma in July 2016. She was told that she couldn't live past the year 2016, but she did not give up. While pushing on with her treatment, she was and now still actively engaged on stage, spreading positivity through songs and music whilst creating a vibrant and bright environment for the other cancer patients.

In 1998 and 1999, she served as an art director and actress simultaneously for the “World Drama Exhibition”. She graduated from the English Department in National Taiwan Normal University in the year 2000. Five years later, Anjyl was given the Special Jury Award in the final round for Sounds of Human Competition, which was held in Taiwan.

Offers given by several record companies has landed her the opportunity to be part of sound recordings of musical and spiritual albums. Besides, she had done some theme song recordings on famous activities such as “Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant 2009”, “Sounds of Human Competition” and etc.

The following year, she teamed up with her sister Chiara Lim, in the making of "The Fantasy Journey of Music" musical theatre performance. She was in charge of stage directing, scriptwriting, concept developing and performance skills.

In 2014, she was invited to participate in a local original musical theatre "XUAN ZANG - Journey to the West".

​By the year 2019, Anjyl Lim has been the instructor for Marvellous Malaysia's concerts for four consecutive years. In the same year, she decided to write down her experiences of living with cancer into an audiobook called "Flip it! Dandelion", along with Chiara Lim's original compositions. Also, she leading representatives from 11 different European countries together with Chiara Lim, to perform at the Disney Conference Hall in France. 

​Born with a graceful and sonorous voice, Anjyl is described to be a soul singer with the voice from heaven.

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